Welcome to the season as an added feature this year we have made the following videos for the benefit of our members. To help guide and assist with keeping all of you on the paddock this year.
Referee Warm Up Exercises
Sumo Squats
The first of our warm up exercise is Sumo Squats. We are beginning to fire up the glutes and hips, by loosening the tendons and warming the muscles to cope with the rigours of our game.
Walking Lunges
The walking lunge begins the process of getting the ab ductors and ad ductors engaged to increase the speed off the mark
Side to Side
The side to side exercise begins the increase in heart rate and also adds to the warming up of the muscles which will enable you to accelerate laterally
Bum Taps
A critical muscle for sprinting is the Quad muscle. It drives the acceleration that we all need to keep up with play. This muscle needs to be warm so that right from kick off we have the ability to get off the mark quickly. Warming the muscle will limit any chance of injury.
High Knees
High knees will also increase the warmth in the quads. Furthermore muscles such as the calves and hamstrings will also benefit from this warm up.
Ham String & Hip Flex
This warm up is a little less dynamic. However, after doing the bum taps and the high knees you will have your hamstrings more flexible. We are looking to have the hamstring ready to go from the kick off and this will enable you to do this.
10m Heart Starter
After those dynamic stretch warm ups it is time to get the heart rate up. Here is a 10m shuttle run that will get your whole body in motion and have your heart rate at about 60% of its maximum.
Forward / Backward 20m heart starter
Another heart starter. This involves forward and backward running. Refereeing involves movements that are not always straight. Getting the legs prepared for backward running is important. Furthermore your heart rate will be around 60% of capacity.
Referee Warm Down Exercises
Forward & Backward
Refer to the warm up exercise above. As this is a warm down, we are trying to gradually lower our heart rate, so slow jogging is the way to do this. We are tryingto get the lactic acid build up out of our leg jointsand this is the answer.
Butter Fly Strech
We are now into static stretches to lengthen the muscles tendons and ligaments. The only effective time to stretch is when the muscles are warm. The butterfly stretch is to assist your inner thighs and hip joints. Hold the stretch for about 20 seconds
Ham String Stretch
The ham string stretch is essential for recovery from the rigours of the game.
Glute Stretch
Another group of muscles that can tighten up very quickly after a match. Reduce fatigue and assist recovery with this stretch.
Calf Stretch
The poor old calf muscle is very neglected. Tight calf muscles can lead to a number of foot issues, including flat feet. After a match the calves are warm which is a good time to get some length into the muscles and make them more flexible.
Quad Stretch
Aragon is showing us excellent flexibility in his quads. This stretch assists recovery and reduces fatigue and will also give you balance.
Referee Exercises Challenge Week 1
The Philthy Heart Stopper x 6 sets
After you complete the warm up exercises, this exercise consists of shuttles of 1 at different lengths with a 15 second rest between
The Philthy Set x 6 Sets
This exercise is the same distance as exercise 1 with the difference being the intensity and continuity. Don’t forget to view the warm down videos when complete.
Referee Exercises Challenge Week 2
The Philthy Sequence x 10 Laps
After you complete the warm up exercises, Jog another 400m then commence the exercise. This exercise consists of 10 laps of mixed cardio targeting different muscle groups with a 1min rest between laps.
Philthy’s 6 CONE Drill x 10 Laps
This exercise consists of 10 laps of a 6 cone drill with a 1min rest between laps. After the 10 Laps jog a 400m warm down lap and finish with the warm down exercises.
Referee Exercises Challenge Week 3
After you complete the warm up exercises. Jog another 400m then commence the exercise.
CONDITIONING Using Tabata Technique 20 seconds at 80 -100% then have 10 seconds rest.
Do 8 sets of each exercise, have one minute rest, then move onto the next exercise. After you complete the 8 exercises. Finish off with 400m jog and then standard stretches.
*Please seek medical advice before deciding if these exercises are appropriate for your individual circumstances. NSWRRA will not be liable for any cost, loss or injury incurred as a result of undertaking any or all of the above exercises. If you have any concerns about your health, consult your General Practitioner.
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Cheers Phil.